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Additive manufacturing , Production , GATE & ESE (New topic added to GATE), Mechanical engineering

 STL format

  • STL (stereolithography) is a file format native to the stereolithography cad model.
  • It is widely used for rapid prototyping , 3 d printing and computer aided manufacturing.
  • The main purpose of the stl file format is to encode the surface geometry of a 3d object.
  • It encodes this information using a simple concept called tessellation.
  • Tessellation is the process of tiling a surface with one or more geometric shapes such that there are no overlaps or gaps.
  • Tessellation can involve simple geometric shapes or very complicated shapes.

ASCII stl file format

file start with mandatory line:
solid <name>
file ends with mandatory line :
endsolid <name>
the file stores information about the covering triangle.

Binary stl file format 
  • If the tessellation involves many small triangles , the ASCII stl file can become huge.
  • This is why a more compact binary version exists.
Special rules for the stl format
  • The stl specification has some special rules for tessellation and for storing information.
  • The vertex rule : it states that each triangle must share two vertices with its neighboring triangles.

  • The orientation rule : it says that the orientation of the facet must be specified in two ways.

  • The traingle sorting rule : it recommends that the triangles appears in ascending z value order.
  • The all positive octant rule : it says that the coordinates of the triangle vertices must all be positive.
Advantages of stl file format
  • Provides a simple method of representing 3d cad data.
  • A de facto standard has been used by most cad systems and RP systems.
  • It can provide small and accurate files for data transfer for certain shapes.
Disadvantages of stl file format
  • The stl file is many times larger than the original cad data file.
  • The geometric flaws exist in the stl file.
  • The subsequent slicing of large stl files can take many hours.

Additive manufacturing technologies
  • Selective laser sintering (SLS) or direct metal laser sintering.(DMLS)
  • Stereolithography (SLA)
  • Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
  • 3d printing 
  • Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)
  • etc
  • A laser sinters each layer of metal powder so that the metal particles adhere to one another.
  • DMLS machines produce high resolution objects with desirable surface features and required mechanical properties.

  • Nearly 0.1 mm thick layers.
  • The part building takes place inside an enclosed chamber filled with nitrogen gas to minimize oxidation and degradation of the powdered material.
  • The powder in the building platform is maintained at an elevated temperature just below the melting point and/or glass transition temperature of the powdered material.
  • Infrared heaters are used to maintain an elevated temperature around the part being formed.
  • A focused co2 laser beam is moved on the bed in such a way that it thermally fuses the material to form the slice cross section.
  • Surrounding powders remain loose and serve as support for subsequent layers.

3D printing:
  • It is an indirect process in two steps.
  • After applying a powder layer on the build platform , the powder is agglomerated tanks to a binder fed through the printer nozzle.
  • The operation is repeated until parts are produced, which shall be then removed carefully from the powder bed , as they are in a green stage.
  • The metal part solidification takes place in a second step , during a debinding and sintering operation , sometimes followed by an infiltration step.
  • It is more productive  then laser beam melting andd requires no support structure. Besides it provides a good surface quality by using one of several post processing techniques.

Stereolithography (SLA)
  • It uses photopolymerisation to print ceramic objects. it is also called photopolymerization.
  • The process employs a UV laser selectively focused into a vat of photopolymer resin.

  • The uv curable resin produce torque resistant parts that can withstand extreme temperatures.
  • The source supplies the energy that is needed to induce a chemical reaction , bonding large no. of Small molecules and forming a highly cross linked polymer.
  • The uv light comes from a laser , which is controlled to scan across the surface accoding to the cross section of the part that corressponds to the layer.
  • The laser penetrates into the resin for a short distance that corresponds to the layer thickness.
  • The first layer is bonded to a platform. which is placed just below the surface of the resin container.
  • The platform lowers by one layer thickness and the scanning is performed for the next layer.
  • This process is continued until the part has been completed.
Facts about SLA
  • Each layer is 0.076 mm to 0.05 mm thick
  • Starting materials are liquid monomer
  • Polymerization occurs on exposure to uv light produced by laser scanning beam.
  • Scanning speed 0.5 to 2.5 m/s
Part build time in SLA
  • Time to complete a single layer:

where Ti = time to complete layer i;
Ai = area of layer i;
v = average scanning speed of the laser beam at the surface 
D = diameter of the spot size
Td = delay time between layers to reposition the worktable.
  • Time to build a part ranges  from one hour for small parts of simple geometry up to several dozen hours for complex parts.
  • SLA build time cycle:

where Tc = STL build cycle time ; n1 = number of layers used to approximate the part

Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
  • It uses a heating chamber to liquify polymer that is fed into the system as a filament.
  • The filament is pushed into the chamber by a tractor wheel arrangement and it is pushing that generates the extrusion pressure.
  • The major strength of it is in the range of materials and the effective mechanical properties of resulting parts made using this technology.
  • Parts made using fdm are amongst the strongest for any polymer based additive manufacturing process.

Laminated object manufacturing and ultrasonic additive manufacturing
  • LOM and uam are two sheets lamination method.
  • LOM uses alternate layers of paper and adhesive , while uam employs thin metal sheets conjoined through ultrasonic welding.
  • LOM excels at creating objects ideal for visual or aesthetic modeling.
  • UAM is a relatively low temperature low energy process used with various metals , including titanium , stainless steel and aluminium .
Electron beam melting
  • The ebm process utilizes a high power electron beam that generates the energy needed for high melting capacity and high productivity . The hot process allows you to produce parts with no residual stress and the vaccum ensures a clean and controlled environment.
Selective laser melting or direct metal laser melting or laser powder bed fuion
  • Materials are fully melted in DMLM and EBM processes.
  • With dmlm , a laser completely melts each layer of metal .
  • Ideal for manufacturing dense , non porous objects.

  • A powder layer is first applied on a building platform with a recoater and a laser beam selectively melts the layer of powder. Then the platform is lowered by 20 um to 100 um and a new powder layer is applied.
  • The laser beam melting operation is repeated.
  • After a few thousand cycles , the build part is removed from the powder bed.
Different additive manufacturing processes:
  • Powder bed fusion
  • Material extrusion
  • Directed energy deposition
  • Material jetting
  • Binder jetting
  • Sheet lamination
  • Vat polymerization
Powder bed fusion
  • This technology is used in a variety of AM processes , including direct metal laser sintering , selective laser sintering ,selective heat sintering , electron beam melting and direct metal laser melting.
  • These systems use lasers , electron beams or thermal print heads to melt or partially melt ultra fine layers of material in a three dimensional space.
  • As the process concludes , excess powder is blasted away from the object.
Material extrusion
  • Spooled polymers are extruded or drawn through a heated nozzle mounted on a movable arm.
  • The nozzle moves horizontally while the bed moves vertically , allowing the melted material to be built layer after layer.
  • Proper adhesion between layers occurs through precise temprature control or the use of chemical bonding agents.
  • Material extrusion is one of the most well known additive manufacturing processes.

Directed energy deposition
  • An electron beam gun or laser mounted on a four or five axis arm melts either wire or filament feedstock or powder.
  • DED is similar to material extrusion , although it can be used with a wider variety of materials , including polymers ,cermics and metals.
Material jetting
  • With material jetting a print head moves back and forth , much like the head on a 2 D inkjet printer.
  • However it typically moves on a x,y and z axis to create 3d objects.
  • Layers harden as they cool or are cured by ultravoilet light.
Binder jetting
  • It is similar to material jetting , except that the print head lays down alternate layers of powdered material and a liquid binder.
Sheet lamination
  • LOM and uam are two sheet lamination methods.
  • LOM uses alternate layers of paper and adhesive while uam employs thin metals sheets conjoined through ultrasonic welding.
  • LOM excels at creating objects ideal for visual or aesthatic modelling . Uam is a relatively low temp. low energy process used with various metals , including titanium , stainless steel and aluminium.
Vat polymerisation
  • An object is created in a vat of a liquid resin photopolymer.
  • A process called photopolymerization, cures each microfine resin layer using uv light precisely directed by mirrors.
Additive manufacturing materials
  • Thermoplastic
  • Metals
  • Biochemicals
  • Composites
  • Ceramics
Benefits of am technology
  • Freedom to design and innovate without penalties.
  • Rapid iteration through design permutations.
  • Excellent for mass customisations.
  • Elimination of tooling.
  • Green manufacturing
  • Minimal material wastage
  • Energy efficient
  • Enables personalised manufacturing
Limits of am technology
  • Unexpecting pre and post processing requirements
  • High process cost
  • Lack of industry standards
  • Low speed not suitable for mass production
  • Inconsistent materials
  • Limited number of materials
  • High equipment cost for high end manufacture 
  • Porosity (0.99 % density achieved)
AM applications
  • Aerospace
  • Medical
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Lifestyle
  • Oil and gas
  • Food and beverage
  • Consumer electronic  

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