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Basics of project management , General studies ,Project Management, UPSC ESE

  • Non routine
  • Non repetitive
  • One off
  • Goal
Program :

  • Group of related projects
  • Coordinated together for more benefits

  • Related or not related projects and programs
  • They may not be directly relaxed
Project constraints:

  • Triple constraints : time , cost , scope
  • Diamond constraints : TCS + quality
  • PMBOK's constraints : identifies diamond constraints + risk resources , there may be more than six constraints in a projects
  • Among all constraints , only two are considered independent
Constraints and objective

Project tries to achieve an expected level of  performance by spending a limited funds and time are agreed in scope of projects.

Management : cost of getting together efficiently and effectively.

Project management : 

Product management : management of aspects of products

Venture management : focus on creative , innovative and challenging business ideas.


  • Impacted by over project
  • Exist influence over project
  • Successful people must acheive goals and expectations of its stakeholders.
Important stakeholders:

  • Project sponser
  • Project manager
  • Pm team 
  • Business partner
  • User/consumer
  • BOD / shareholder
  • Society
Project sponser:

  • Holds pm accountable
  • Will be involved in taking decision for high risk stages
  • Provides statement of work to PM . statement of work is detailed description of objectives of project.
Project manager:

  • Authority one project
  • Responsibility for achieving goal
  • Attributes and duties : all positive
Project team:

  • Should be self directed and cross functioned.
Tuckmanis model:

  • Team effectiveness initially decreases from forming to storming.
Conflict resolution:
  • Confronting / colabrating leads to a win win situation as a person shows both assertiveness and cooperation.
  • Office for managing project
  • Control of PMO increases from supportive , controlling to directive PMO style.
Organisation structure:
Functional manager:
  • Expert in fuctional area.
  • Supervises over department
  • Responsible for skills development and employee annual appraisal

Functional organisational structure:
  • Grouping by specialisation
  • Team member reports to both PM and FM
  • Most suitable when long line of communicating
  • Organisation offers limited range of prodcts 
  • Person can work on many projects + upgrade his skills
  • Response to customer is slow
  • Difficult to fix accountability on project
  • Unsuitable for geographically scattered organisation
Projectised structure
  • Resources report to PM only
  • PM has full authority
Advantage: centralised authority - faster completion
Disadvantage : may become arrogant , may suffer communication , employee's skill upgradation suffers

Matrix structure
  • Blend of projectised and functional
  • Member spends time on project as well as fuctional area
  • It balances performane on project as well as skill upgradation
Project process group and knowledge area 
Life cycle:
  • Sequence of project phases
  • Not cyclical in nature
  • No two projects are exactly same as they vary in details , but all projects follow similar life cycles.
  • PMBOK identifies 49 processes for project completion which are grouped into 5 process group and 10 knowledge areas.
Process groups:
  • Process is series of activities
  • I-P-E-C-C
  • Project groups are not group phases generally
  • Every project of phase will have all the process groups in it
Knowledge area
  • Skill set
  • Project character , project management plan - integration
  • Creating work breakdown structure - scope

  • Project feasibility , appraised and selection must be completed before starting negotiation
  • Project character is developed by project sponsor based on business case development.
  • Project management plan , also called integrated base line contains management plans of all knowledge areas. It is comprehensive plan based on which entire project is executed.
  • Detailed project report is a planning phase outcome document.
  • Desirable - it is tangible / intangible good or service to be handled over which form part of project outcome.
Analysis of project phases:

Product life cycle : after project we move to operation phase where product sees market.

Prototyping : several working models of intended products are developed and tested under real life condition.

Phase to phase relation:
  • Sequential
  • Overlapping / parallel
  • Iterative
Concurrent engineering:
  • Simultaneously engineering
  • Stages run in parallel
  • Decreases product development time
Types of software development:
  • Predictive life cycle / waterfall model
  • Iterative / increamental life cycle
  • Agile / adaptive life cycle
Waterfall model:
  • TCS determined in detail early stage
  • Has comprehensive plan which is not expected to change
Incremental/ iterative:
  • Scope not defined in detail at initial stages
  • Used where changes are expected
  • Used when changes are rapid
  • There is review of work after every iteration
Project initiation
  • Also called as conception / selection phase
  • Initial scope is defined , stakeholders are identified and project charter is prepared
  • Outlines aim of project
  • Should be smart
  • Project charter translates project sponser business case into project objective.

  • Business case contains justification for the project
Opportunity study:
  • Indicative
  • Used to generate new ideas
  • Can use techniques like SWOT analysis , brainstorming
Pre feasibility study:
  • It is screening of ideas 
  • Recommended when formulation is costly
  • Should not take more than 3 months
  • Able to decide regarding investment
  • Analyse as many factors as possible
Feasibility study:
  • More rigorous
  • Specialised skills
  • Requires highly reliable data
Project appraisal
  • Evaluation of overall project
Project selection
  • Can be selected using numeric or well as non numeric model
Note: comparitive benefit model is non numeric selection.

Technical feasibility
  • Consideration of technology and its effect on production system
  • Factors like location , plant size , plant layout , construction , equipments , infrastructure, etc.
  • Location cost index (LCI) should be < 100
Factors considered for selecting technology:
  • Affordability
  • Compatibility
  • Accessible
  • Operation safety
  • Gestation period

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