What is engineering ethics?
According to Martin and Schinzinger , engineering ethics relates to :
- The study of moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organisations involved in engineering.
- The study of related question about moral , conduct , character , politics and relationship of people and corporation involved in technological activities.
Situational dimensions of engineering ethics
Harris and others : engineering ethics is concerned with :
- The question of what the standard in engineering ethics should be .
- How to apply these standards to particular situation.
What situation leads to ethical issues ?
- Design , testing , manufacturing , sales and services.
- Supervision and project team
- Inferior material and components
- Unforseen harmful effects to society
Why engineers need ethics?
- Studying ethics makes an engineer expert in recognizing moral problems and issues in engineering.
- Makes an engineer capable of comprehending the value conflicts involves in the issues.
- Ethical awareness promotes ethical behaviour among engineer.
Impacts of engineers ethical decisions:
- The product and services (safety and utility)
- The public and society (benefits to people)
- Environment
- The profession (how the public views it)
Good vs Successful , Character vs Action , The Beginnings:
- Aristotle is associated with the origins and its Nichomachean ethics is the original source book for a practical ethics of good character.
- Virtue ethics has always been marked by the obligation to transcend ones own self interest .
- Aristotle "what is the good of a man?"
- Went on to discuss virtues such as courage , self control , generosity , truthfulness.
- Virtue ethics is interested in determining what kind of people we should be.
What is virtue?
- Latin word virtue which means excellence
- Virtues are desirable habits in action.
- 1755: Dr. Samuel Jhonson wrote " virtue is defined as moral goodness and a particular moral excellence".
- Places primary emphasis upon the development of internal qualities of character and only secondarily upon obedience to external moral rules.
Voluntary observance
- Virtues cannot be impelled.
- The good character of the virtues man or woman must be achieved voluntarily.
Public service virtues
- Benevolence
- Compassion
- Honesty
- Industriousness
- Moderation
- Loyality
- Fairness
- Generosity
- Friendliness
- Self discipline
- Self reliance
- Tolerance
- Thoughtfull ness
- Patience
- Reasonableness
- Prudence
- Cooperative ness
- Courage
- Dependability
Earliest virtues
- Prudence - wisdom
- Justice - fair
- Fortitude - moral courage
- Temperance - moderation
21st century virtues
- Truthfulness : honestly , integrity , reliability , loyality.
- Respect : civility , dignity , tolerance , acceptance