What are values?
- Values are core beliefs that shape one's worldview and impact the character of individual.
- Values are beliefs about how we ought to trust.
- "Confidence in or reliance on some quantity or attribute of a person"
- Trustfulness : an individual expresses a sense of confidence in others.
- Trust worthiness: an individual acts in a manner so as to engender / build trust.
Honesty implies
- Honesty in action
- Honesty in speech
- Honesty in beliefs
Forms of dishonesty
- Lying
- Deliberate , deception (you pretend you know)
- With holding information
- The deposition to voluntarily act , perhaps fearfully in a dangerous circumstance , where the relevant risks are reasonably appraised
Elements of courage
- Desperate actions are not courageous actions
- Must be voluntary , coerced actions do not qualify
- Have an understanding of the risk and an acceptance of the consequences of the action.
- Courage requires the presence of danger , risk , loss or potential injury.
- Courage involves mastery of fear rather than fearlessness.
Types of courage
- Physical courage : overcoming the fear of physical injury or death.
- Moral courage : will power to do the right thing , standing up for convictious beliefs
- Pshycological courage : required to confront a serious illness or destructive habit.
- Derived from latin integritas , meaning wholeness , soundness, whole.
- Integrity refers to consistency in our conduct.
- Being true to oneself.
- Tendency to be nice
- All human beings are of equal worth
- Giving is more important than receiving
- Sense of thankfulness
- Act of being grateful
- Comes from the perception that one has benefitted due to the action of another person
What does forgiveness mean?
- Psychology define forgiveness as a conscious , delibrate , decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harm you , regardless of whether they actually deserve you forgiveness.
- Avoidance of being vengeful
- "The weak can never forgive , forgiveness is the attribute of the strong" ....... Gandhi Ji
Key features of humility
- An accurate sense of one's abilities and achievements .
- The ability to acknowledge one's mistakes imperfections and gap in knowledge , and limitations.
- Openness to new ideas , contradictory information , and advice.
- Relatively low focus on the self
Perseverance / persistence
Perseverance , what is it ?
- Finishing what one has started.
- Keeping on despite obstacles.
- Ability to overcome boredom(industriousness)
As voluntary continuation of goal directed action inspite of obstacles , difficulties , discouragement.
- The ability to sense other's people emotions.
- Affective empathy : refers to the sensation and feelings we get in response to the others emotions.
- Cognitive empathy : refers to our ability to understand other's people emotions.
Human - heartedness
- Basic kindness with deep awareness of the suffering of oneself and other living being , coupled with the wish and effort to alleviate it .
- The feeling that arises in witnessing other's suffering and that motivates a subsequent desire to help.
- According to Han Gartner compassion is a three part process:
- "I feel for you" (affective)
- "I understand you" (cognitive)
- "I want to help you" (motivational)
Forms of compassion
- Familial compassion : for members of family and friends.
- Global compassion : compassion irrespective of race
- Sentient compassion : compassion for all life forms
- Heroic compassion : feeling that motivates heroic deeds
Why engineers should act ethically in India ?
- Developing economics like India relies a lot on professional like engineer because of the contribution they makes towards the development process.
- It becomes important for engineer to act ethically because their code of conduct has a huge impact on society.
Who is a good engineer?
- Who holds the healthy , safety , and welfare of the public to be paramount importance.
- Believes in delivery the best of the advice and service.
- To be honest and objective in communicating with the public at large with respect to engineering outputs.
- Act as faithful agents for their employer /department
- Avoid deceptive act.
- Conduct themselves honorably , responsibility , ethically and lawfully so as to enhance the honour , reputation and usefulness of the profession.