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International organisation of standards (ISO) , Standards and quality , UPSC ESE , General studies


  • Founded on 23 feb 1947
  • Head quarter in Geneva
Main objective:
  • To acheive , maintain and continuously improve product quality and also improve quality of operation.
ISO member ship category
  • Member body : decision making members having their own ISO standards.
  • Correspondent members : no decision making , they have not their ISO.
  • Subscriber member : economy poor conuntries.
Parties of ISO certificate:
  • First party : a firm can audit itself .
  • Second party : a customer serve as auditor.
  • Third party : a certifying agency serve as auditor.
ISO 9000 : quality 
  • It is a series of standard related to the quality management.
  • In 1979 BSI submit a formal , proposal to ISO in Geneva , 1987 first edition of ISO 9000 was published .
ISO 9000
  • It is a management methodology adopted by a company to deliver the product and services that meet the customer expectations.
  • The implementation of ISO 9000 standard does not mean higher level of quality , it forces a company to ensure its customer that the product are manufactured according to standard.
Why company want ISO 9000 registration?
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Improved organisation management and product service quality
  • Enter into global market
  • Exporting internationally
Current version of ISO 9000

ISO 9000:2015 

" Not fixed tenure of revision"

  • External quality management: aim at providing confidence to the purchaser that the vendor quality system will satisfy the purchaser stated quality management.
  1. ISO 9001 ------ requirement
  2. ISO 9002 ------ product standard and installation
  3. ISO 9003 ------ final inspection and testing
  • Internal quality management: aim at providing evidence that the intended quality have been achieved.
  1. ISO 9004 ------ guideline
ISO 9001 standard is based on 8 principles of TQM:
Note: ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 standard are effectively subset of ISO 9001 standard because they deal with few topics.

Features of ISO 9001:
  • ISO 9001 standard specify quality system requirement  for the use when a contract between two parties requires the demonstration of vendors capability to design and supply the product and services .
  • ISO 9001 requires that the vendor describes its management responsibility in all aspect of vendor quality system .
  • Vendor is responsible for establishing documentation and maintaining procedure forecast production handling functions such as storage , packaging and delivery.
  • Vendor is responsible for establishing and maintaining procedure that identify the training needs and for providing the training to all personnel to perform activity that affect quality.
  • Vendor -------- who follows ISO standards
ISO 14000 : Environment
It is the family of standard related to the environmental management.
It provide standard in three major area:
  1. Management system
  2. Operation system
  3. Environmental system
ISO 14000
  • It is published in 1992
  • It is based on british standard
  • It deals with how a company manage the environment inside the facility and immediate outside the facility.
  • It do not mandate a particular level of pollution , it forces on the awareness of process and procedures that can affect the environment.
ISO 14001 : EMS (environment management system)
  • It is the main standard of 14000 series.
  • It is published in 1996
  • Its current version is ISO 14001:2015
OHSAS 18000 (occupational health and safety assesment series)
  • It is also an international standard
  • It provide a framework to identify or control and decrease the risk associated with health and safety within the company.
  • Implementing this standard if clear signal to environment that employee health and safety are principal priority within the company.
  • In India , OHSAS standard is not implemented in agriculture field.

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