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Professional ethics , Wisdom , Virtues, Ethics , General Studies , UPSC ESE

 Wisdom / Prudence

  • It is distinct from intelligence.
  • It represent a superior level of knowledge and judgement.
  • Wisdom helps individuals to address important and difficult question about the conduct and meaning / life goal of life.
  • Baltes and Staudingr (2000) defined wisdom as expertise in the conduct and meaning of life . Thus , the wise person is someone who has expert knowledge about the meaning of life (what really matters) & how to manage and plan a meaningful life.
  • Intelligence = job / carrier
  • Wisdom = meaningful life

Virtues for ethically responsible engineers
  • Expertise 
  • Clear and informative communication
  • Cooperation
  • Willingness to make compromises
  • Punctuality
  • Objectivity
  • Being open to criticism
  • Stamina 
  • Creativity
  • Striving for quality
  • Having an eye for detail
Deontological paths
  • The word deontological derived from the greek word deon , meaning duty.
  • It is concerned with right action based on duty.
  • Most people believe that all human being have some duties to other human being.
  • Duties can be positive , such as the duty to look after one's children or negative, such as duty not to murder another human being .
  • When we speak of duties it implies that the duty is universal to all human being (or at least to all adult human of sound mind).
Duty based ethics
  • The foundation of the duty based ethics was laid German philospher , Immanuel Kant.
  • Ethical actions are those actions that could be written down on a list of duties : be honest , don't cause harm to others, etc.
Categorical imperative 
  • Categorical : true all the times
  • Imperative : something a person has to do
  • Safety in engineering : true all the times and one had to do it .
Putting public interest over personal interest 
  • Core of public service
  • Public servants not use public office for personal gain.
Dedicated to service
  • Exist for citizens convenience
Procedural fairness
  • Ensuring that all persons are treated in the same way or treated consistently.
  • It ensures that citizens are not treated arbitrarily discriminated against , or ignored when others are receiving a service.
Fiduciary (trust) responsibility
  • Making the best possible use of resources
  • Spending resources frugally
  • Public servant should seek to be effective and to achieve the greatest accomplishment with the best use of resource available .
Basic duties 
  • Be bound by and uphold the law.
  • Support democratic process
  • Be responsive to the policy goals of political superiors.
Unethical practices
  • Bribery
  • Scheming with appointments
  • Nepotism , favouring friends
  • Sexual discrimination
  • Harrasment at work
  • Withdrawing from responsibility
  • Identification with an interest group
  • Unnecessary delaying
Utilitarianism / consequentialism : Beginning of the approach (Machiavelli)
  • People need to learn "how to use good and bad for beneficial ends"
  • Ethicalment of an action should be judged by its consequences. 
Morality is not about pleasing good , nor it is about being faithful to abstract rules .
"morality is about making --- oneself as happy as possible " _______ 'Bentham'

Main thesis 
  • The morality of action depends solely on the consequences of the action nothing else matters.
It all about consequences 
Whether a certain action is right or wrong does not depend on what the kind of action it is (whether it is a case of lying or killing ) or with what intention it is performed (whether it is performed with good or bed intention) , its only consequences.

What kind of consequences?
Morally correct actions are not simply all actions with favorable consequences , but the morally correct action in one which produces the best consequences .

Two types of utilitarianism
  • Act utilitarianism : JS Mill beleived that rules should be broken if doing so will lead to most good.
  • Rule utilitarianism : Believes the moral rules are most important , it holds following moral rule will ultimately lead to the most good.
  • Utilitarian's  look beyond the act to the consequences of the act in determining whether it is right or wrong.
  • It is what one accomplish that is important , rather  than how it  is done.
  • Approach has great potential for abuse in pursuits of results more than often , the means are abused.
Features of professional ethics 
  • Codes of particular profession
  • Practices of particular profession
  • Providing ethical identity to the profession

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