Lean manufacturing
- It is a set of tools and methods that aim for the continuous elimination of all type of waste from the production system.
- The main benefits are lower production cost , increased output and shorter lead time.
- Lean production is an approach to identify and eliminate waste and non value added activities through continuous improvement and increasing customer value.
- This lean word comes from the ability to achieve more with less resources through continuous improvement by elimination of waste.
- Lean manufacturing aims at improving system and procedure to deliver more resources and better product with lesser input .
- It consider use of any other purpose than the creation for value of customer as undesirable and to be wasteful and so it should be eliminated.
Five main principles
- Value: Determine and specifying what adds value to the customer and what does not .Customer needs a good quality at a good price and with fast delivery speed .quality of the product should meet the customer expectation . Non value added process are those which customers are not willing to pay . These non value added processes increases the cost of the product and delay the manufacturing process.
- Value stream : This involve every step of the process starting from the supplier and ending with the customer. Every step must bring product closer to the completion and add value to it.
- Make the product flow: All the obstacles that are constraining the flow of the parts through the manufacturing process must be removed . Lean production strive for one piece flow which is about providing smooth flow for each piece of product with no waste in time , performance and quality in order to deliver the product quickly to the customer.
- Pull not push : Producing the what the customer need and avoiding over production . Product should be only produced when there is demand from customer side.
- Achieve perfection: There must be a vision for perfection , company should try to improve the process rather than being good at what they are doing .
The seven wastage are those non value added steps or process that reduce the flow of stream, add cost to the product , reduce quality and delay the process.
Central theme of lean
- Muda - waste , NVA (non value added activities )
- Mura - uneven , non uniform , irregular
- Muri - over burden
30 tones of iron to be transported
Trucks - safe loading capacity limit - 15 ton/truck
1. Muda - 3 truck for 10 ton each
2. Mura - 2 truck , one loaded 20 ton and other for 10 ton
3. Muri - one truck with all 30 ton load
4. No muri , mura and muda - 2 trucks of 15 ton each
Original 7 waste (Muda)
TIMWOOD (to remember the waste names)
- Transportation
- Inventory
- Motion
- Waiting
- Over/excess production
- Over processing
- Defects
- Unutilised skill or manpower or human
- Layout of plant
- Distance between different manufacturing process and setup
- Distance between machine inside each work station
- How close are the work station and machine to the tools
- How far away are the inventory warehouse from the production unit.
b) Inventory: main points for cost effective inventory
- Return on investment
- Risk should be less
- Material handling
- Space
- Insurance and taxes
c) Motion:
- This is ergonomics , the operator needs to have its tools and parts handed to him in exactly the right orientation to eliminate wasted walking and handling losses.
d) Waiting: This is the time wasted factor and it involve the following activities
- Waiting for material
- Waiting for spare parts
- Waiting for quality inspection
- Waiting due to low machine performance and speed
e) Over production:
- It is related to inventory and simply means that making more product than what is actually needed or over the capacity of sales department . It is a waste of money and time . The method like kanban can be used to make the product according to the customer's demand.
f) Over processing:
- It means making more steps in the process than what are actually needed or using the steps that can be eliminated .
g) Defects:
h) Unutilised skill or man power or human:
Pillars to achieve lean manufacturing
1. Five S
- Sort - remove things that you do not need
- Set in order - arrange essential items in such a way that it is easy to access them .
- Shine - keep working station tool and machine clean and keep them in proper order .
- Standardise - establish rule , checklist , standard and procedure to keep everything clean and in order.
- Sustain - convert 5s into habit , use visual language and sign board to sustain the habit.
2. JIT
3. Kaizen (continuous improvement )
It is a japanese business philosphy regarding continuous improvement of operations and involve all employees.
The main steps are :
- Continuous small improvement
- Changes are implemented quickly
- Everyone gets involved
4. Cellular technology
Manufacturing cells are decide to process parts of the product in seprate fixed area , thus eliminating the non value added activities , production work station and equipment are arranged in a product flow sequence such that the layout create a single piece flow . This layout increase production velocity and flexibility . It increase the order flow time , work in process material handling cost and thus increasing the customer satisfaction.