- The reliability of a product or a system can be defined as the probability that the product will perform its required function under specific condition for a certain period of time.
- The reliability of a system depend upon reliability of individual component.
- For series connection.
For equal
- When all component have 100% reliability.
- When there is a single component.
How to increase reliability of system ?
For parallel connection
Question : two power generator provide electricity to a facility that is main and backup generator. The main generator has reliability of 95% and the backup has a reliability of 90% ,compute the reliability of system.
Note: reliability of system is greater than reliability of individual component when they are connected in parallel.
Note: as the number of component in parallel increases the reliability of system will increase.
Reliability prediction using exponential distribution.
- It is one of the most commonly used distribution in the reliability prediction, it is used to predict the probability of survival to a particular time.
- It referred as the average time an item may be expected to function before the failure.
- It is used for non repairable item.
- Example bulb
- It referred as time between two failure.
- It is used for repairable item.
- ti = the repair time for ith failure.
Problem :a system has two component in series with mtbf of 20 hour and 10 hour respectively ,what is 400 hour system reliability.
Question :the reliability of a repairable product by exponential distribution is given in hours as
- It is the probability that a product or a system is performing its required function at a given point of time when it is used under the stated operating condition.
- It is the probability that a product or system is being failed or system will be restored to a specific condition within a period of time when the maintenance is performed according to prescribed procedure.
Question :an engine is to be designed to have a minimum reliability of 0.8 and minimum availability of 0.98 over a period of 2000 hrs. The mttr is nearly.
For series connection
Question :the automatic focus unit of a TV camera has 10 component in series ,each component has exponential time to failure distribution with a constant failure rate of 0.05/ 4000 hour. What is its mttf for the system.
Bathtub curve
- It is a graphical representation of life time of population of product. It does not depict the failure rate of single item ,it describe the relative failure rate of entire failure rate over a time.
- It is also known as early failures or debugging stage.
- The failure rate decreases with respect to time .
- In beginning of infant mortality rate the failure is high and than decreases with respect to time.
- It is middle stage of bathtub curve.
- Failure rate remain constant
- It is most significant period for reliability prediction.
- It is final stage of bath tub curve.
- The failure rate increases as product began to wear out because of age or lack of maintenance.
- Reactive maintenance or break down maintenance : it is basically run it till its break , no action or effort taken to maintain the equipment.
- Preventive maintenance: routine servicing id planned to prevent the failure.
- Predictive maintenance : timely replacement of component based on the condition monitoring before it cause any break down.