Six sigma
- It is a methodology and symbol of quality.
- It is quality philosophy and the way of improving the performance by knowing where you are and where you can be.
- It is a purely scientific method used for process improvement and this method is known as DMAIC.
- D-define , M-measure , A-analyse , I-improve , C-control
- Its main focus is quality improvement and reduction of defect, its target is bringing down the error rate.
Historical background
- Father of six sigma is Mr Bill Smith ,he is an engineer in Motorola.
- In 1987 Motorola officially launch six sigma program and due to this Motorola known worldwide as quality leader and profit leader.
- In 1998 Motorola was awarded by "Malcolm baldrige national quality" award .
- In 1991 Motorola certified its first "black belt".
- In 1995 six sigma become well known after Mr Jack welch who is CEO of general electric.
- Sigma is the only Greek word which is used to measure diversion or dispersion.
Why not zero defect?
- Since we cannot control noise factor completely we can't talk about zero defect .
Six sigma methodology- It is used for improving, optimising and stabilizing business process and design.
- It is a core tool of six sigma.
- It is logical and structural approach in problem solving and process improvement.
- It is a 5 process iterative process.
- It is used for improvement of existing process.
- DMAIC - existing process , DMADV - new process
- Goal
- Aim
- Target
- Opportunity
- Existing system is measured in this phase identify the gap between current performance and required performance.
- System is analysed in this phase to identify the way to eliminate the gap between current performance and required performance.
- Fishbone diagram can be used in this phase to analyse the factor.
- The purpose of this phase is to identify ,test and implement the solution to the problem .
- In this phase team try to find a solution which cheaper ,better and faster
- Brainstorming
- Design of experiment (R&D)
- Six thinking hats : white hat, red hat, black hat, yellow hat, green hat, blue hat.
Control phase
- The purpose of this phase is to sustain the improved system.
- DMADV - new process
- Design , Measure , Analyse , Design , Verify
Different level in six sigma / six sigma certification program
- Six sigma training and certificate levels are organised into heirarchy of individual can achieve in six sigma.
- It is important for each certified six sigma professional to know his /her role and responsibility within the company organised into heirarchy of individuals.
- Lower label individual will meet to higher label individual with their problem and higher label individual are responsible for mentoring lower individual.
Note: white belt label is not fully recognised by entire six sigma community , many consider yellow belt as lowest belt.