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Current developments in ICT , BIG data , Artificial intelligence , Bitcoin and Block chain, ICT , General studies , UPSC ESE

 Current development in ICT

 IOT (internet of things)

  • It means internet for things where things are also connected with internet. 
  • Iot is machine to machine communication using sensors and actuators. 
  • Iot also enables  human to machine communication .
  • It was given by Kevin Ashton in 1999. He gave the concept using the application of radio frequency identification. 
  • Using RFID ,machine are able to interact with each other. This started machine-to-machine communication. 
Smart city project 

  • Under it most of the services to citizen are brought on online platform so that these services are made available to citizen at any time from anywhere and direct services .
Note: the online services can reduce three types of constraints: Distance ,time and money.

  • Smart city concept is launched under digital India program. 
  • There are 100 smart city in India. 
  • Every state must have at least one smart city. 
  • Tamil Nadu has highest smart cities 13. 
E police 

  • It is possible to file police complaint at any time from anywhere through the website www.epolice.gov.in ,it is the initiative from digital India programme. 

  • It is possible to track on past cases and existing cases through the website ecourtservices.in 

  • It is possible to take appointment and consultation with the hospital through ehospitalservices.in
 UMANG app (unified mobile application for new age governance )

  • In umang app it is possible to connect with most of the services provided by government through online platform only, these services are available through a single app .
  • Note: umang app is launched under the program mobile based governance .
  • The IOT enables e-governance which is a part of good governance. 
Artificial intelligence

  • Alan turning invented the concept of machine coding and machine learning started from it. It is considered as the beginning of artificial intelligence. 
  • John mccarthy is considered as the father of AI. 
  • Machine learning: Machine learning system works on set principle of algorithm it cannot create its own algorithm set for example simple calculator. 
  • AI : The system works on the principle that the set of algorithm can create the maximum output at minimum damage or input therefore AI system can create its own set of algorithm. For example face recognition feature of mobile phone, thumb print impression, etc. 
Deep learning

  • These machines are able to perform multiple function at the same time that is it can perform multiple set of algorithm to maximize output and to minimise input. For example Google assistance. 
Neutral network

  • The neural network works similar to the neurones in human that is in neural network result from one algorithm is transferred to another so that multiple result can be analysed on the principle of maximum output at minimum damage, for example self driving car. 
Current development in artificial intelligence 

1. Botnets 

  • Facebook launched botnets for studying the users profile. These botnets used to collect users data for data analysis later on it was found that botnet have started developing its own program in a language that cannot understand by humans therefore it was forcefully shutdown. 
2. Sophia robot

  • It is the first humanoid robot that has got the features of facial expressions based on emotions. It is not using emotional intelligence. It who was designed by HANSOME robotics.  
Benefits and advantages of artificial intelligence 

  • Machine are more accurate than humans. 
  • Machine are cost effective for the same work. 
  • Machine can perform those dangerous work also that humans are not able to perform. 
  • Machine does not get bored and does not get tired therefore it can work continuously. 
Disadvantages of artificial intelligence 

  • Since work of humans are performed by machine therefore these machine can create joblessness for humans. 
  • The artificial intelligence system can create excessive dependency on machine. 
Big data

  • It means large volume of data, large variety of data, large velocity of data and large variability of data. There for big data is denoted by 4V. These data are used for analysis called as predictive analysis. It means to predict the outcome of a product, outcome of an event, etc by using the data analysis. The big data analysis is done using Hadoop technology. 
Types of big data : big data are of three types

  • Structured big data: This data can be analysed for example digital financial transaction ,use of social media ,etc.
  • Unstructured big data : these data can't be analysed for example images, gif ,etc
  • Semi-structured big data these data appears as structured but they are actually unstructured data for example data created by XML file .
XML : extended markup language 

  • XML convert human language form of data into machine language and machine language data into human language form . 
Big data application 

1. Big data in the field of health 

NEHA - National electronic health authority 

  • It is a public cloud computing digital space in which every citizen has its own private space upto 10 MB. In which the health related data of individual in digital form. It will help in preparation of health profile of India. Individual first health record can be generated and same test is not treated every time. 
2. Big data in education 

NDL - National digital library  

  • It is a digital library launched by our former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee. It has more than 70 lakh books that can be used by any body free of cost anytime from anywhere. 
NAD - National academic depository 

  • It was lost by our former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee. It is a digital platform in cloud computing where education related marksheet and award are get in digital form. It will provide an academic database for the government and it will also ensure safety of these documents. 
Big data application in governance

Digital locker or digilocker 

  • It is a public cloud computing platform where every citizen has got their private space. Digital documents such as Aadhar card, pan card ,driving licence, bank account, property papers can be stored digitally and it can be used as a digitally signed document. Also the documents such as Aadhar card ,pan card ,marksheet can be used in place of physical documents. 
Current news related to big data 

1. Data localisation or Sri Krishna committee report : It talks about data localisation ,data privacy and data security. It submitted its report in 2018 and stated that :

  • All internet based companies operating in India must have their data centres within the geographical boundary of country .
Note: so that Indian IT act can be made applicable on them. 

  • Authorised agencies can track on these data and if any threat or such data is created that is harmful for the communal and peaceful environment of the country then such data can be erased from their origin only. 
Note:  it was opposed because it violates the right to privacy of an individual.

  • The data produced by individual can't be sold to the third party or it cannot be misused. 
Data localisation 

  • It means the data storage within the geographical boundaries of the country .
Aadhaar amendment act

  • It was lost by parliament as money bill. It was passed by Lok Sabha as Aadhaar act. 
  • It was made as a compulsory document for bank account, Property papers, mobile phone number, etc but later on supreme court directed that Aadhar act voilates the law of right to privacy of an individual. 
  • It can't be made a compulsory documents but it can remain optional document only. 
  • According to supreme court of India :
  1. Aadhaar is an optional document except linking with PAN card ,income tax return and also for few government subsidies such as in ration distribution. 
  2. Aadhar card act section 57 ,in it according to which a private company can also demand Aadhar card .
Section 57 of Aadhaar act was abolished by supreme court ,in 2019 the parliament also passed other act which says that 

  1. Aadhar card data can't be stored by any organisation or it will be a punishable offence. 
  2. Section 57 of Aadhaar act is removed. 
  3. Other act says that it should be linked with other document digitally but it will remain only an optional document for linking as well. 
  4. PAN card and Aadhar card can be used interchangeably. 
Virtual ID or digital Aadhar or virtual Aadhar ID 

  • It is 16 digit Aadhaar number connected with the 12 digit Aadhaar number. From the 16 digit Aadhaar number only four information can be obtained that our name, address, date of birth and phone number. No other information can be obtained from it. 
  • The vid forms two layer of security , it is now unhackable.
Block chain or bit coin
  • Concept of bit coin was given by santoshi Nokmotov from Japan . It is based on number of bits in the computing system since there are only 2^128 bits, each bit is considered as coin known as bit coin. The transaction of bit coin takes place through block chain and each and every transaction is listed in it , the value of bit coin depends upon the demand and supply concept of bitcoin in block chain , since bit coin exist in virtual form therefore it can not be destroyed since its number is limited hence it cannot be created , government of India declared bit coin as illegal currency because it was found that bit coin is being misused for illegal transaction such that terrorist funding , drugs transaction ,  conversion of black money into bitcoin , etc.
Note : 
  • Government of Japan is declared bit coin as  a legal currency .
  • Fb has lauched its own legal currency named libra.
  • Telangana government has declared Hyderabad district as a blockchain district.
Block chain:
  • It is based on peer to peer network in which each and every block is directly connected to all other blocks due to this it has the concept of decentralisation and distributed system.
  • Due to decentralisation there is no central authority for the transaction to take place and due to distributed system any of the block can create a transaction, it is not possible to hack block chain because it requires infinite computing power.
Crypto currency
  • It is a currency based on crypto graphy that uses the concept of coding and decoding . some of the popular crypto currency are : bitcoin , ripple , etherium , libra, etc.

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